Markus Persson quits his job at an established games developer to create his own game. Its success has spawned LEGO toys, conferences, and there is even a documentary on minecraft chronicling the Story of Mojang! So this isn’t just some silly “block game” – this game of blocks has brought in over $100,000,000. The game has received numerous awards and as of January 22, 2013, the game has sold over 9 million copies on PC and over 20 million copies across all platforms! That is a lot of games sold. Minecraft is easily one of the most successful indie games in history – a true success story.

Starting to make more sense now? (Of course I am speaking to the non believers lol) A Brief History of Minecraft It is like being a kid with UNLIMITED LEGO blocks to play with (after you mined them, from plastic dinosaurs or …something…whatever it would take to make this analogy work lol). Some of the things people create are so huge and intricate that it takes up literally 50+GBs of space (per some of these structures) on servers all over the world. The proof is right here in this post – people have been spending days, weeks, months on these colossal in game marvels that are just stunning to look at. The possibilities are endless! And that provides a feeling of accomplishment (like most games do, but Minecraft is different. Well, gather around children and lets hear a story (a brief story.) about how minecraft became the phenomenon that it is today! If you have played the game (which I assume most of you have) it is really easy to see why everyone is playing it (and is addicted lol).

Congratulations are in order! If you don’t play minecraft (what?!) you are probably wondering how in the heck this got so popular. I see you have managed to keep your Minecraft addiction at bay long enough to find yourself here.